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Registration Date: 09-22-2023
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 10-04-2024 at 01:46 PM
Status: Offline

chefhawk's Forum Info
Joined: 09-22-2023
Last Visit: 01-01-2024, 08:33 AM
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chefhawk's Most Liked Post
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Gday 09-22-2023, 09:51 AM 1
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Just joined after seeing the 5 foot falcon thread on the RPF. From my youtube channel (chefhawk) "Ian sparrowhawk born in watford England. The rest of his family is very artistic in one form or another. Ian was born with one hand, but this motivated him to try harder life. After seeing a film in London called Star wars his life changed, and not for the last time either. He met the uk 501st and his passion arose for props and prop making. Costuming for charity as Lord vader his next project obsession was Chewbacca. This had to be sculpted and fabricated from scratch after many months of research. Combining this experience and fondness for charity and star wars whilst a keen prop builder his actual job is a professional chef and has cooked for royalty and worked in a five star hotel in London. Currently working on building a millennium falcon and trooping up and down the country. Chefhawk is a combination of his surname and Job and can be seen participating on more than a few forums and web pages" cheers

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